
From FOMO to FOMO-No-Mo: Instagram Steals TikTok’s Crown (But Make it Fashion)

KISS | March 14, 2024

Remember those endless scrolls through TikTok, fueled by the fear of missing out on the latest dance craze or hilarious meme? Well, step aside, because there’s a new sheriff in town, and it’s got filters, boomerangs, and enough influencers to make your head spin. That’s right, folks – Instagram has dethroned TikTok as the most downloaded app in 2023!

This might come as a surprise, considering TikTok’s seemingly unshakeable reign over the past few years. But hold onto your selfie sticks, because the tide has turned. Here’s the lowdown on how Instagram lassoed the top spot:

The Rise of Reels: Remember when everyone was obsessed with mimicking squirrel eating nuts to that sped-up version of “Popular” on TikTok? Well, Instagram took note and said, “Hold my kombucha.” They swooped in with Reels, their own short-form video feature, and it turns out, people love a good copycat (especially when it comes with familiar filters and the built-in audience they already have on Instagram).

Keeping Up With the Kardashians (and Everyone Else): Let’s face it, Instagram thrives on the allure of following the lives of, well, everyone. From celebrities to your next-door neighbor documenting their sourdough starter journey, Instagram offers a glimpse into the curated chaos we all crave. TikTok, on the other hand, can feel a little more…random at times. You might stumble upon a video of someone explaining astrophysics using only pizza, which is great, but it doesn’t exactly quench your thirst for celebrity gossip.

The Power of the Brand: Instagram is a juggernaut when it comes to brand recognition. Owned by Meta (formerly Facebook), it’s already woven itself into the fabric of our social media lives. TikTok, while undeniably popular, still feels a little more like the new kid on the block. So, when it comes to familiarity and trust, Instagram wins big.

So, does this mean TikTok is headed for the digital graveyard? Not quite. Both platforms offer unique experiences, and TikTok likely still reigns supreme when it comes to pure entertainment and those viral dance challenges we all secretly (or not-so-secretly) love. But for now, at least, Instagram is basking in the glory of being the most downloaded app. Just don’t be surprised if TikTok comes back swinging with a new filter that makes you look like a living Van Gogh painting. The battle for social media supremacy is far from over.

Written by KISS