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Turns Out Cats Are Secret Suckers for Attention: Study Says They Love People Who Hate Them

KISS | April 24, 2024

Cat owners, ever feel like your feline overlord is playing you like a particularly scratchy
scratching post? Well, science might finally explain that aloof attitude. Buckle up, because
according to a new study, cats might love the people who hate them.
Here’s the deal. Researchers think cats prefer folks who aren’t all up in their grill with
cuddles and pats. You know, the “leave-me-alone-and-respect-my-personal-space” type.
This chilled-out approach makes cats feel safe and secure, unlike the smothering love of a
crazy cat person (no offence, dedicated feline enthusiasts!).
The study suggests that people who aren’t huge cat fans tend to be less likely to pick up,
pet, or crowd the cat. This, in turn, gives the cat the control it craves and allows it to
approach the human on its terms. Playing hard to get works for cats too, who knew?
So, next time your cat gives you the cold shoulder while rubbing all over your least favourite
house guest, don’t take it personally. They might just be appreciating the chill vibes.
Of course, this doesn’t mean you should actively ignore your cat. Just maybe hold off on the
constant petting and let them come to you for cuddles on their schedule. Who knows, you
might just become their new favourite human, even if you’re not exactly a cat person
Just remember, with cats, it’s all about playing the game. Act indifferent, and they might just
shower you with affection (or at least a slow blink, which is a cat love letter in their world.

Written by KISS