
Princess Di’s Penny-Pinching Past? Nanny Contract Fetches Fancy Price at Auction

KISS | May 2, 2024

Calling all Beliebers, Swifties, and anyone who loves a good royal revelation! Get ready for a blast from the royal past, because a piece of Princess Diana’s history just sold for a pretty penny (well, a whole lot more than a penny, but you get the idea).

We’re talking about Diana’s very first work contract, the one she signed way back in 1979, a few weeks after moving to London. Back then, she wasn’t Lady Di or the People’s Princess – she was just Diana Spencer, a 17-year-old looking for a job.

This contract, which Diana filled out for a posh nanny agency called Solve Your Problem Ltd., is like a time capsule from a different era. She listed her skills (looking after kiddos, obviously), her experience (not a whole lot, but hey, everyone starts somewhere!), and even her date of birth (although there’s a little detail there that raised some eyebrows).

See, according to the contract, Diana was born in 1960, making her a year older than she actually was. Some folks think this was a sneaky tactic to land the job – maybe teenagers weren’t the hottest commodity in the nanny world back then? Whatever the reason, it seems to have worked – Diana got the gig!

The contract itself went up for auction recently, and let’s just say collectors were feeling nostalgic (or maybe just competitive?). The bidding went back and forth faster than you can say “curtsey,” and in the end, an anonymous buyer from the US snapped it up for a whopping $10,500!

That’s a hefty price tag for a piece of paper, but hey, for some folks, it’s a priceless piece of royal history. It’s a reminder that even Princess Diana, the future icon of compassion and style, once had to start somewhere, juggling babysitting gigs and maybe even fudging her age on a resume (we’ve all been there, Di!).

So, what does this mean for the future of this oh-so-important contract? Who knows! Maybe it’ll end up in a museum, a collector’s vault, or even framed on someone’s wall (right next to their Beanie Baby collection, perhaps?). One thing’s for sure, though: this little piece of paper is a reminder that even royalty has a past, and sometimes, that past involves wanting a job and maybe, just maybe, bending the truth about your age by a year. We can’t all be born into the royal family, but we can all relate to the struggles of getting that first job, even if you have to be a little less “royal” about it.

Written by KISS