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A man holds his arm up for 52 years

KISS | March 12, 2025

Amar Bharati, an Indian sadhu, has kept his right arm raised since 1973 as a spiritual act of devotion to Lord Shiva. Once an ordinary man with a family and a job, he chose to renounce worldly life and dedicate himself to asceticism. As a part of his vow, he raised his right arm and never lowered it again. 

Over the decades, his arm has become thin, atrophied, and lifeless, with the muscles wasting away due to disuse. Yet, Bharati remains steadfast in his commitment. His act symbolizes endurance, detachment from material desires, and unwavering devotion. Many view him as an inspiration, while others are left in awe of his physical and mental resilience. 

His story has gained global attention, sparking debates on spirituality and extreme ascetic practices. Some consider it a remarkable display of self-discipline, while others question the necessity of such extreme measures. Regardless of opinions, Bharati’s devotion stands as a powerful testament to the strength of faith and the human spirit. 

In a world driven by materialism, Amar Bharati’s act serves as a reminder of the different paths people take in search of meaning, peace, and a deeper connection to the divine. 

Written by KISS