Travis Scott’s Egyptian pyramids concert faces ban

A concert by Travis Scott at the Great Pyramids of Giza is facing a ban after objections from archaeologists and conservationists.
The concert, which was scheduled to take place in February 2024, would have been the first major music event to be held at the pyramids. However, a group of archaeologists and conservationists have filed a petition with the Egyptian government to block the concert, arguing that it would damage the ancient site.
The petition argues that the concert would require the construction of a large stage and other infrastructure, which would damage the pyramids’ foundations. It also argues that the noise from the concert would disturb the peace of the site and could damage the pyramids’ delicate sandstone surfaces.
The Egyptian government has not yet made a decision on whether to allow the concert to go ahead. However, the petition has received widespread support from archaeologists and conservationists, and it is likely that the government will take their concerns into account.
If the concert is banned, it would be a major blow to Travis Scott and his promoters. The concert was expected to attract thousands of fans from around the world, and it would have been a major boost for tourism in Egypt.
However, the concerns of the archaeologists and conservationists are also valid. The Great Pyramids of Giza are one of the most important archaeological sites in the world, and they should be protected from damage.
It remains to be seen whether the Egyptian government will allow the concert to go ahead. However, the petition against the concert has raised important concerns about the potential damage that it could cause to the pyramids.